SEOMOZ is one of the top seo tools which used by the webmaster. Most popular tool is OSE (Open Site Explorer) it is simply called back link search engine, explorer and research tool. This is mainly used for competitor research and finding opportunities for back links.
This tool offers more chances on exposure, traffic, strong back links and genuine sales. It displays the best blogs for the website most of them are no-follows. We have options for filtering the no follow blogs. Finally get a list of blogs that potential customers read, know and value.
It shows the most valuable content in the web. And also it is combined with excel to display the reports. It searches the competitor URL and filters the external link with followed and 301. Now we can download the report as csv format excel files. The better analyses about the Competitors are done by the tool where we can find best back links.
Recently SEOMOZ launched the version 3 of OSE tool with more features like Link with Anchor text, Comparing Link metrics and more advanced report. Check the Open Site Explorer Tool and share your experience.